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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR 2011-2014 Bimod.

It has been prolonged until 2015, time at which an international workshop in Paris on “Multi-scale and hybrid modelling in cell and cell population biology” is organised, with 25-30 speakers on invitations.

Submitted ANR 2015 call “Défi de tous les savoirs”.

“Mathematical modelling of dynamics in interacting cell populations” (MMDICP) project submitted for 2015.

ANR Blanc 2014-2018 “Kibord”.

This recently accepted project gather several members of the Mamba team together with the ENS Cachan and Université Paris-Dauphine on the mathematical study of PDE models with application to biology.

ANR 2014-2017 IFLOW.

Eric Vibert, Hopital Paul Brousse (coordinator). Partners: Inria REO, Hopital Toulouse, Dirk Drasdo. Objectives are simulation of liver perfusion after partial hepatectomy (PHx) with and without therapeutic manipulations to improve patients survival after PHx.

INSERM 2014 - 2016, INVADE.

Emmanuel Barillot, Institut Curie (coordinateur). Partners: Groups from Institut Curie, Dirk Drasdo. Objective is a model for a better understanding of breast cancer invasion.